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Home / Free Games / Logic Traces: A puzzling puzzle – Review
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Logic Traces: A puzzling puzzle – Review

Logic Traces by Ingames, in association with Kongregate, is a fun and interesting little puzzle game. Colored boxes labeled with numbers litter a grid and you can pull out what seem to be wires either horizontally or vertically. The goal is to cover the board with these lines. The numbers on the boxes give hints as to how many spaces should be covered by that boxes wires. It is a good exercise in spatial strategy and the idea is new and unlike other puzzle games I’ve played.

logic tracesIn Logic Traces, the graphics are clean and refined. When a numbered box has had all its lines set, it spins with a chime sound which is helpful when trying out combinations. Multiple lines can be pulled  from each numbered box in different directions. The puzzles are challenging and fun to experiment with, and while I found myself getting stumped I never really got overly frustrated.  Hints are available either purchasable with real money or able to received by simple just watching an ad.

logic tracesYou can earn a star for a level by finding the  solution within a number of steps. You also earn points toward a complete score in the puzzle set. There are two  puzzle sets available for free, a set of 12 and a set of 30. If you are a Kongregate member or sign up you can unlock another puzzle pack. Puzzle packs are $0.99 each, but there are bundle packs with quite a few together for $2.99. Puzzles come in different grid sizes and I assume the difficulty increases with size. If you enjoy these puzzles there are many of them to keep you going for a long time.

The music is soothing and modern sounding. The controls are simple and easy to follow and the instructions were clear and easy to understand. After a few levels I understood the gameplay and scoring system.

Logic Traces was a fun puzzle game that has the potential to last quite a while. While it requires real currency to expand the puzzles, it takes minimal investment and the game is complex yet interesting to play. To conclude I would definitely give it credibility for its fun and interesting nature, and the cost isn’t too much to drive any dedicated consumer away!

About Johnny Zeng

I'm just an avid gamer, that loves writing, and I'm here to prove just that! Currently here reviewing IOS games, and to make a lasting impression onto my audience.

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One comment

  1. I have always liked good puzzle games and this one seems interesting and unique.If the game is challenging but not ridiculously hard than it’s a game for me.

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