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Home / Reviews / Action / Power-Up : Frantic SHMUP Action! – Preview
Power-Up : Frantic SHMUP Action! Loved the retro SHMUP classics that defined the genre? You'll love Power-Up's slick, detailed visuals, challenging gameplay & impressive arsenal of weapons.
Power-Up : Frantic SHMUP Action! Loved the retro SHMUP classics that defined the genre? You'll love Power-Up's slick, detailed visuals, challenging gameplay & impressive arsenal of weapons.

Power-Up : Frantic SHMUP Action! – Preview

What if Earth was doomed and you needed to take on an army of reptilian monsters responsible for the destruction of humankind? And even worse, you’d be alone, in space, to defeat them. Well if that sounds like a premise you’d be interested in, I have the perfect shoot them up game for you. How perfect? I’m not even a fan of shoot them up type of games in general but I had a blast playing this one!

Port of an indie game released on the Xbox, it’s a futuristic retro game where you, in your trusty space ship along with your arsenal of weapons, must pretty much shoot up everything that moves in your direction. Right from the get go, you are engaged. The music is very fast paced like the game itself. Your heart is pumping, you’re focused, it’s GO time! Shoot!


Speaking of your weapons, you’ve got your standard straight shooter, a 3 shooter, some side-shooters, a back-firing laser as well as a powerful but short range plasma cannon. But specifically, you have the ability to power-up each weapon individually. This will allow you to strategically distribute your strength for various situation.

The enemies will come at you in waves, so you better be prepared. Dodge their attacks by flying around. There are no save, no continue of any kind, so you must stay alive for as long as possible to rank a high score. You can unlock new paint job for your spaceship by playing the game for a certain amount of time.

A point that was dissatisfactory was that the controls are really tiny on the iPhone 5S. We found it a bit hard, in the middle of the action, to switch the weapon type accurately. Otherwise, the controls are very easy to get used to.

Otherwise the game is quite fun to play! Coming out in early April 2015, keep an eye out for it on the App Store!

About Cokamouse

Cokamouse started reviewing iOS games, back in Spring 2014 and hasn't stopped ever since! Lover of cherry flavoured lemonade, soft nougat, warm fluffy slippers & reviewing games for the iPhone, of course!

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