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Angry Birds EPIC – review of an avian RPG

Earlier in March, we saw the launch of Angry Birds EPIC, the new episode of pigs versus birds with an RPG twist. The availability of the game was limited at that time to New Zealand, Australia and Canada, which allowed us to make this review a quasi-exclusivity!

At the time of writing down this preview, I had played a good chunk of hours. Truly, the game’s story is the same: the ugly little green pigs got their hands on the eggs of our epic angry birds. The game is very addictive and the game experience is simple for an RPG. On the other hand, the loading screens are very slow and unfortunately numerous.


We begin with a single bird and over our thrilling adventures, we find our other buddies, one by one. We travel along a world map with a pretty linear path. Each flag represents a stop of combat round. During the fight, instead of a text menu, we simply have to select a bird to launch it unto an enemy.

A negative point is that once we have a complete team, the birds are difficult to select on the tiny screen, and sometimes I chose the wrong one during a fight. I experienced this quite a few times, always with negative consequences, and believe me it was not only the birds that were angry.

At the end of each fight, we have a booty roulette, giving us random objects, such as water, bananas or stones. What to do with all of this randomness? It was not evident during the first few levels because it was devoid of explanations on the subject. Finally, after several battles, we are told we can create potions to heal us, or with an anvil we make new armor, using those objects.

Each of the birds, and their porcine enemy counterparts, have their own characteristics: the yellow bird is a magician whose attack hits all enemies on the lvel at once or the black bird is a bomber who loves big explosions.

A big negative point to reveal here is that the music will quickly drive you crazy, psychotically insane even. The background music, much too loud for a game like that, lasts about 10 seconds and is repeated endlessly, dotted with the coarse laughter of the pigs. I quickly muted this atrocity.


There are also too many elements on the game world map, making it too busy to look at in details. At one point, I did not understand at all why I could not move forward, when I finally spotted a small beige point in an equally beige desert.

True fans of the series will be pleased to have access to the theater in the game, where you can watch the latest movies from Toon.tv.

While it is possible to purchase money against materials in the game, the option is not highlighted or shoved in your face too much. IAP are also not necessary at all in order to continue to higher levels, which is nice for a change.

In sum, for a free game of a popular franchise, the game is very addictive and fun.

This review was originally published in French on http://estugame.com/threes/

About Cokamouse

Cokamouse started reviewing iOS games, back in Spring 2014 and hasn't stopped ever since! Lover of cherry flavoured lemonade, soft nougat, warm fluffy slippers & reviewing games for the iPhone, of course!

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